*RACECeivers are MANDATORY to race at Wayne County Speedway.
1.1 – Appearance: All cars should be painted. Cars will be clean prior to heat races. Any damage to a car will not cause disqualification but must be repaired prior to the next night’s racing. The exception to this will be a car with damages deemed to be a safety issue by track officials.
1.2 – Body: All cars must have complete bodies. The intent of this rule is to eliminate any add-on panels of any type which could be considered an airfoil or sideboard. The area behind the driver (a frame area) cannot be enclosed at all unless it has a behind the driver radiator. Panels to be flat with no more than 1.5′′ flap not to exceed 45 degrees.
1.3 – Brakes: Type optional. No hand operated brakes allowed, unless approved by officials. Brakes must be sufficient strength to slide wheels or stop the car while in motion.
1.4 – Bumpers: Car must have bumper extending beyond the front and rear tires. Nothing may extend beyond a tangent line from the outside edge of the tires to the bumpers. Nothing may extend beyond the outside edge or the tires or wheels, whichever is the widest. No sharp corners or design as to hook or damage. Bumpers must be securely mounted (no zip ties, pop rivets, etc).
1.5 – Nerf Bars: All cars must be equipped with nerf bars. Left side nerf bars may extend no more than one inch past the left rear. Right rear nerf bar may extend no more than one inch past the right rear. Nerf bars must be securely mounted (no zip ties, pop rivets, etc).
1.6 – Chain guards: Chain guards will be installed on all cars where chains are exposed to the driver and/or other participants. The chain guard, using a minimum of .090 aluminum material or equivalent, will run on top of the chain from front of front sprocket to the vertical centerline of the rear sprocket. The guard must be installed in such a manner that the driver cannot touch the chain and/or sprockets while sitting in the driver’s seat.
1.7 – Driver’s compartment: No car will be allowed to compete that requires dismantling portions thereof to enter or leave the cockpit with exception of the steering wheel hub. Go/No Go gauge must pass through right side. Fire Walls: There must be a metal fire wall between the driver and engine compartment isolating driver from engine compartment for YOUR safety. Minimum specifications are: Steel-24 gauge and aluminum-.0625 thick Floors and belly pans: Cars must have an under pan extended from the front of the seat to a place forward of the driver’s feet on top of cross members and lower frame rails.
1.8 – Frame: Type optional. No aluminum
1.9 – Fuel: See class rule.
1.10 – Fuel tank: Type optional. All cars are mandatory to have either a bladder or safety cells. This is for YOUR DRIVER’S protection. Fuel cell must be securely mounted. Tanks used in qualifying must be used for all events. No flammable liquids in cooling system.
1.11 – Fuel System: A fuel shut off valve at the rear of the car is mandatory and must be marked on the body for safety crews. A fuel cut-off safety switch is highly recommended but not required for all cars with an electric fuel pump. All fuel tanks must be equipped with a one-way check valve designed to prevent the spillage of fuel from the fuel tank vent in the event of a rollover.
1.12 – Electric’s and Electronics: On and off switches must be on dash, top of the cowl or on steering wheel. On/off switch must be connected and functional. No radio communication is allowed with the car or the driver. No mirrors allowed.
1.13 – Mufflers are MANDATORY! Any type as long as it gets the car to 100 decibels. If a muffler falls off the car or is not mounted in its correct spot, that car will be DQ’d for that race.
1.14 – Numbers: All cars must have legible numbers painted in contrasting colors on both sides of car and the nose. Minimum height of numbers is 8″ on the nose and nose wing, 10″ on each side of the tail and 12″ on the wing. Numbers must be separated from advertising, so they will be readable. No prismatic numbers will be allowed on the cars. If the scorers cannot read your numbers, you will be required to change them before next race. Cars must have the same number on all parts of car. Cars without wings must have number plates a minimum of 6″ x 8″ on right side of roll cage.
1.15 – Nuts and Bolts: All nuts and bolts and component parts of car’s suspension system, chassis, and running gear must be secured with either, lock nuts, lock washers, cotter keys, or safety wire except wheel nuts when using quick change hubs. All axles must be pinned to not allow axle nut to back off.
1.16 – Radiator: Type optional
1.17 – Roll Cage: Roll cages shall be at least 1″ .062 wall thicknesses, or 1 1/8″ .065 wall thicknesses, or 1 1/4″ .065 wall thicknesses. Roll cage shall be made of chromoly steel or equivalent material. The front section of the cage shall be no further back than the steering wheel. Roll cage shall have sufficient fore and aft bracing and strength to support the weight of the car & driver in case of an upset. Cage shall have gussets at the intersecting bars to the uprights. Bends must have at least 3″ radius. No square or pointed corners allowed. Roll cage must be a minimum of 3″ above the driver’s helmet. It is mandatory to install a cross brace behind the seat to support the shoulder harness.
1.18 – Ballast: Any material used for ballast must be firmly attached as a part of the car’s structure. No liquid or loose ballast such as water, fuel, oil, sand bags, rocks, log chains etc. allowed. Seats: Type optional.
1.19 – Steering: Front wheels must be connected by a solid or tubular tie rod.
1.20 – Throttle: Must be foot operated. No electronic traction device.
1.21 – Stock is defined as factory delivered specifications. All gaskets are to be in place and be of O.E.M. specifications.
1.22 – Advance Timing is allowed in all classes.
2.1 – Arm restraints: Use is mandatory. Must be adequate to keep driver’s hands below roll cage.
2.2 – Drivers helmet: Must be full head coverage, condition to be one of three latest SNELL approved.
2.3 – Driver’s uniform: Must wear a name brand flame retardant uniform. High top tennis shoes or wrestling shoes are acceptable.
2.4 – Neck brace: Mandatory. Cage net or seat mounted head-rest required unless wearing an approved immobilization device (i.e. Hans’s device).
2.5 – Gloves: SFI rated driving gloves are mandatory.
2.6 – Seat belts and shoulder harness: Seat belts must be securely attached to the car and used at all time. Metal to metal latches only. 5 point seat belts, shoulder harness and sub strap are required. Belt date must not be over 3 years old. All seat belts must have an updated SFI patch.
2.7 – It is mandatory to install a cross brace on the frame behind the seat to support the shoulder harness.
2.8 – Any driver requiring medical attention as a result of an accident while participating at Wayne County Speedway race must obtain a written release from the attending physician before being allowed to race again.
2.9 – All mechanically operated devices must be mounted below the driver’s shoulders for safety.
2.10 – Quick release pins are recommended in wing H for easy removal in emergencies.
ASCS2 or KS1 Stamped Hoosier Right Rear MANDATORY on A-Class and restrictors. Any Hoosier Tire allowed in Outlaw classes. NO doping of tires in ANY class. Spec Tire must duro more than 45.
Methanol or Ethanol only, NO NITRO or additives allowed. Fuel subject to be checked anytime by Wayne County officials. NOTE: Fuel samples may be taken for analysis and prize money may be withheld until results are known. (Penalty for fuel infraction will result in forfeiture of all points and moneys won during event detected, and a fine up to $1000 for first infraction. 2nd infraction subject to suspension up to 1 calendar year).
Restricted ‘A’ Class Rules for 2023
- AGE: Drivers age 8 to 16 may compete in the Restricted Class. (A driver whose 16th birthday falls during the racing season will be allowed to finish the season in which they began accruing points before their birthday. Racing season starts February 1st.)
- ROLL CAGE: Roll cages shall be at least 1″ .062 wall thicknesses, or 1 1/8″ .065 wall thicknesses, or 1 1/4″ .065 wall thicknesses. Roll cage shall be made of chromoly steel or equivalent material. The front section of the cage shall be no further back than the steerage wheel. Roll cage shall have sufficient fore and aft bracing and strength to support the weight of the car & driver in case of an upset. Cage shall have gussets at the intersecting bars to the uprights. Bends must have at least 3″ radius. No square or pointed corners allowed. Roll cage must be a minimum of 3″ above the driver’s helmet. It is mandatory to install a cross brace behind the seat to support the shoulder harness.
- ELECTRIC’S AND ELECTRONICS: On and off switches must be on dash, top of the cowl or on steering wheel. On/off switch must be connoted and functional. No raid=o communication is allowed with the car or the driver.
- FUEL: Class “A” 600cc powered cars may run methanol. Upper end lubricants are allowed. NITRO products are NOT allowed.
- WEIGHT: 700lbs minimum with driver at the conclusion of the race.
- COCKPIT: Absolutely no cockpit adjusters (shocks, wing, jacobs ladder, panhard bars etc) are allowed. Panhard adjusters can be bolted to not allow driver to adjust during competition. All shock adjusters must be completely out of the car not only disconnected.
- SUSPENSION: Minimum wheel-base of 50 inches. Maximum wheel-base of 70 inches center of front axle to center of rear axle. Maximum width from center left rear tire to center right rear tire is 55”.
- STEERING; front wheels must be connected by a solid or tubular tie rod. Rear wheel drive only. All suspension bolts except wheel nuts must be secured by some type of locking device.
- SHOCKS: Any shock absorber legal, except no cockpit adjustable shocks.
- TIRES: ASCS2 or KS1 Stamped Right Rear Mandatory. Any doping of tires is illegal and will result in the disqualification and forfeiture of all purse money. Tire must durometer 45 or harder no later than five minutes after the checkered flag.
- BODIES: All cars must have complete bodies. Tail sections must be in place for time trials and all races. There must be a metal firewall between driver and engine, made of 24-gauge steel or .0625: aluminum. Body of car must be made of aluminum, metal, fiberglass or high impact plastic. All cars must be painted an attractive color or colors. No rear view mirrors. The only part of the car allowed to be dismantled for driver to entree or exit is a quick release steering wheel hub. The minimum opening on the right side of the car will be 14″ from the top of the roll cage to the top of the mud guard or sissy bar and 16: minimum from the front down tube to the back. All mechanically operated devices must be mounted below the driver’s shoulders for safety. No mechanical, electrical or hydraulic adjustments will be allowed in the cockpit area on multi-cylinder cars. If you chose to have an inside pan hard adjuster, it must be bolted to where it cannot be moved during a race by the driver. All fuel tanks must be equipped with a one-way check valve designed to prevent the spillage of fuel from the fuel tank vent in the event of a rollover.
- TRANSMISSION: Four-cylinder motors must have transmission with all stock gears in working order. Any car equipped with a shifting mechanism must have this device mounted in the drivers compartment. Shift levers may mount outside the driver’s compartment. Chain guards will be made of .090-inch-thick aluminum or equivalent and will run on top of chain from the front of the front sprocket to the center of the rear axle. Driver must not be able to touch the chain or sprockets while sitting in the cockpit.
- WINGS: 10 square ft. max, left sideboard 24” x 48”, right sideboard 18” x 48”, nose wing 18”x 24” max. Offsets are allowed. Nose wings cannot exceed 8 ½” tall or 21” long.
- ENGINE: 600cc 4-cylinder 4 stroke as comes on a stock production bike for public sale in the U.S.A. No current year production engines. Except as noted, all internal and external engine parts must remain stock with no modifications, metal removal, blueprinting. Valve seat inserts may be reworked. Valves must remain as produced with no modifications. Valve springs may be shimmed with standard or aftermarket shims. Cylinder head combustion chambers may be cleaned by bead blasting with valves seated in place. Intake and exhaust ports may not be bead blasted. Cylinder head gaskets may be replaced only with original equipment manufacturer’s stock parts (All 3 layers of the head gasket must be used). All other gaskets may be replaced with duplicate aftermarket parts. Light cleaning of gasket surfaces with steel wool, Scotch-Brite, etc. is allowed. Transmission gears may be shimmed only for the purpose of proper engagement. Standard or aftermarket shims may be utilized. Aftermarket cam chain tensioner allowed for safety of motor. Fuel injection engines can run carburetors. Fuel injection engines running carburetors may change all fuel metering devices to tune fuel curve. Injection must be OEM, stock OEM throttle bodies no mixing manufacturers (i.e. Suzuki on Suzuki, Yamaha on Yamaha etc.) with OEM Boots in place. Modification of oil pan & pick up allowed or aftermarket ok. Modification to thermostat cover allowed or aftermarket ok. Modification to water pump Cover allowed or any aftermarket air box, stock appearing CDI, aftermarket washable replacement air filter. Any 600cc OEM CV carburetors (no flat slides allowed). Stock ECU, FuelTech FT550, FuelTech FT450, PE3-IG2 and PE3-8400 Engine control units are permitted for use with carburetors and Stock Fuel Injection. Joes Racing Product Tulsa Shootout Carb Adapter (they will be labeled with TSO.) Restrictor Plate must be King Racing Product Restrictor Plate .750″ inside diameter. No exception. Any tampering with or altering will result in disqualification. All stock classes will be allowed to run Electronic or Mechanical Injectors with a mechanical fuel pump with stock OEM throttle bodies or carbs ONLY will be allowed. No mixing of manufacturers. No Wheel Sensors of any kind for traction control. No Sprocket or Transmission sensors for Traction Control. NO TRACTION CONTROL of any type specifically listed or not.
Winged ‘A’ Class Rules for 2023
- AGE: Drivers ages 12 and up may compete in the A-Class.
- ROLL CAGE: Roll cages shall be at least 1″ .062 wall thickness, or 1 1/8″ .065 wall thickness, or 1 1/4″ .065 wall thickness. Roll cage shall be made of chromoly steel or equivalent material. The front section of the cage shall be no further back than the steering wheel. Roll cage hall have efficient for and aft bracing and strength to support the weight of the car & driver in case of an upset. Cage shall have gussets at the intersecting bars to the uprights. Bends must have at least 3″ radius. No square or pointed corners allowed. Roll cage must be a minimum of 3″ radius. No square or pointed corners allowed. Roll cage must be a minimum of 3″ above the driver’s helmet. It is mandatory to install a cross brace behind the seat to support the shoulder harness.
- ELECTRIC’S AND ELECTRONICS: On and off switches must be on dash, top of the cowl or on steering wheel. On/off switch must be connected and functional. No radio communication is allowed with the car of the driver.
- FUEL: Class “A” 600cc powered cars may run methanol or gasoline. Upper end lubricants are allowed. NITRO products are NOT allowed.
- WEIGHT: 750lbs minimum with driver at the conclusion of the race.
- COCKPIT: Absolutely no cockpit adjusters (shocks, wing, Jacobs ladder, Panhard bars etc.) are allowed. Panhard adjusters can be bolted to not allow driver to adjust during competition. All shock adjusters must be completely out of the car not only disconnected.
- SUSPENSION: Minimum wheel-base of 50 inches. Maximum wheel-base of 70 inches center of front axle to center of rear axle. Maximum width from center left rear tire to center right rear tire is 52”.
- STEERING; front wheels must be connected by a solid or tubular tie rod. Rear wheel drive only. All suspension bolts except wheel nuts must be secured by some type of locking device.
- SHOCKS: Any shock absorber legal, except no cockpit adjustable shocks on multi cylinder cars.
- TIRES: ASCS2 or KS1 Stamped Right Rear Mandatory. Any doping of tires is illegal and will result in the disqualification and forfeiture of all purse money. Tire must durometer 45 or harder no later than five minutes after the checkered flag.
- BODIES: All cars must have complete bodies. Tail sections must be in place for time trials and all races. There must be a metal firewall between driver and engine, made of 24 gauge steel or .0625″ aluminum. Body of car must be made of aluminum, metal, fiberglass or high impact plastic. All cars must be painted an attractive color or colors. No rear view mirrors. The only part of the car allowed to be dismantled for driver to enter or exit is a quick release steering wheel hub. The minimum opening on the right side of the car will be 14″ from the top of the roll cage to the top of the mud guard or sissy bar and 16″ minimum from the front down tube to the back. All mechanically operated devices must be mounted below the driver’s shoulders for safety. No mechanical, electrical or hydraulic adjustments will be allowed in the cockpit area on multi cylinder cars. If you chose to have an inside pan hard adjuster it must be bolted to where it cannot be moved during a race by the driver. All fuel tanks must be equipped with a one-way check valve designed to prevent the spillage of fuel from the fuel tank vent in the event of a rollover.
- TRANSMISSION: Four-cylinder motors must have transmission with all stock gears in working order. Any car equipped with a shifting mechanism must have this device mounted in the drivers compartment. Shift levers may mount outside the driver’s compartment. Chain guards will be made of .090-inch-thick aluminum or equivalent and will run on top of chain from the front of the front sprocket to the center of the rear axle. Driver must not be able to touch the chain or sprockets while sitting in the cockpit.
- WINGS: 10 square ft. max, left sideboard 24” x 48”, right sideboard 18” x 48”, nose wing 18”x 24” max. Offsets are allowed. Nose wings cannot exceed 8 ½” tall or 21” long.
- ENGINE: 600cc, NO 636’s, 4-cylinder 4 stroke as comes on a stock production bike for public sale in the U.S.A No current year production engines. Except as noted, all internal and external engine parts must remain stock with no modifications, metal removal, or blueprinting. Valve seat inserts may be reworked. Valve springs may be shimmed with standard or aftermarket shims. Cylinder head combustion chambers may be cleaned by bead blasting with valves seated in place. Cylinder head gaskets may be replaced only with original equipment manufacturer’s stock parts (All 3 layers of the head gasket must be used.) All other gaskets may be replaced with duplicate aftermarket parts. Light cleaning of gasket surfaces with steel wool, Scotch-Brite, etc. is allowed. Transmission gears may be shimmed only for the purpose of proper engagement. Standard on aftermarket shims may be utilized. Aftermarket cam chain tensioner allowed for safety of motor. Electronic fuel injection allowed, no Aftermarket throttle bodies allowed. Must be stock throttle body. No mixing manufactures (i.e. Suzuki on Suzuki, Yamaha on Yamaha.) Fuel injection engines may run carburetors. Injected with power commander allowed gas or alcohol. NO timing modules allowed. Fuel injection engines running carbs may change all fuel metering devices to tune fuel curve, Billet intake boots allowed. Modification of oil pan & pick up allowed or aftermarket ok. Modification to thermostat cover allowed or aftermarket ok. Modification to water pump cover allowed or aftermarket ok. Any air box, stock appearing CDI, aftermarket washable replacement air filter, power commander on fuel injection models only. Any 600cc OEM CV carburetors (no flat sides allowed Stock ECU, FuelTech FT550, FuelTech FT450, PE3-IG2 and PE3-8400 Engine control units are permitted for use with carburetors and Stock Fuel Injection. Fuel cell securely mounted. Tank used for heats must remain for all events. NO flammable liquids allowed in cooling systems. All stock classes will be allowed to run Electronic or Mechanical Injectors with a mechanical fuel pump with stock OEM throttle bodies or carbs ONLY will be allowed. No mixing of manufacturers. No Wheel Sensors of any kind for traction control. No Sprocket or Transmission sensors for Traction Control. NO TRACTION CONTROL of any type specifically listed or not.
Stock Non-Wing Rules for 2023
- AGE: Drivers ages 12 and up may compete in the Non-Wing class.
- ROLL CAGE: Roll cages shall be at least 1″ .062 wall thicknesses, or 1 1/8″ .065 wall thicknesses, or 1 1/4″ .065 wall thicknesses. Roll cage shall be made of chromyl steel or equivalent material. The front section of the cage shall be no further back than the steering wheel. Roll cage hall have efficient for and aft bracing and strength to support the weight of the car & driver in case of an upset. Cage shall have gussets at the intersecting bars to the uprights. Bends must have at least 3″ radius. No square or pointed corners allowed. Roll cage must be a minimum of 3″ radius. No square or pointed corners allowed. Roll cage must be a minimum of 3″ above the driver’s helmet. It is mandatory to install a cross brace behind the seat to support the shoulder harness.
- ELECTRIC’S AND ELECTRONICS: On and off switches must be on dash, top of the cowl or on steering wheel. On/off switch must be connected and functional. No radio communication is allowed with the car of the driver.
- FUEL: Class “A” 600cc powered cars may run methanol or gasoline. Upper end lubricants are allowed. NITRO products are NOT allowed.
- WEIGHT: 750lbs minimum with driver at the conclusion of the race.
- COCKPIT: absolutely no cockpit adjusters (shocks, wing, jacobs ladder, panhard bars etc.) are allowed. Panhard adjusters can be bolted to not allow driver to adjust.
- SUSPENSION: Minimum wheel-base of 50 inches. Maximum wheel-base of 70 inches center of front axle to center of rear axle. Maximum width from center left rear tire to center right rear tire is 52”.
- STEERING; front wheels must be connected by a solid or tubular tie rod. Rear wheel drive only. All suspension bolts except wheel nuts must be secured by some type of locking device.
- SHOCKS: Any shock absorber legal, except no cockpit adjustable shocks on multi cylinder cars.
- TIRES: ASCS2 or KS1 Stamped Right Rear Mandatory. Any doping of tires is illegal and will result in the disqualification and forfeiture of all purse money. Tire must durometer 45 or harder no later than five minutes after the checkered flag.
- BODIES: All cars must have complete bodies. Tail sections must be in place for time trials and all races. There must be a metal firewall between driver and engine, made of 24 gauge steel or .0625″ aluminum. Body of car must be made of aluminum, metal, fiberglass or high impact plastic. All cars must be painted an attractive color or colors. No rear view mirrors. The only part of the car allowed to be dismantled for driver to enter or exit is a quick release steering wheel hub. The minimum opening on the right side of the car will be 14″ from the top of the roll cage to the top of the mud guard or sissy bar and 16″ minimum from the front down tube to the back. All mechanically operated devices must be mounted below the driver’s shoulders for safety. No mechanical, electrical or hydraulic adjustments will be allowed in the cockpit area on multi cylinder cars. If you chose to have an inside pan hard adjuster it must be bolted to where it cannot be moved during a race by the driver. All fuel tanks must be equipped with a one-way check valve designed to prevent the spillage of fuel from the fuel tank vent in the event of a rollover.
- TRANSMISSION: Four-cylinder motors must have transmission with all stock gears in working order. Any car equipped with a shifting mechanism must have this device mounted in the drivers compartment. Shift levers may mount outside the driver’s compartment. Chain guards will be made of .090-inch-thick aluminum or equivalent and will run on top of chain from the front of the front sprocket to the center of the rear axle. Driver must not be able to touch the chain or sprockets while sitting in the cockpit.
- ENGINE: 600cc, NO 636’s, 4-cylinder 4 stroke as comes on a stock production bike for public sale in the U.S.A No current year production engines. Except as noted, all internal and external engine parts must remain stock with no modifications, metal removal, or blueprinting. Valve seat inserts may be reworked. Valve springs may be shimmed with standard or aftermarket shims. Cylinder head combustion chambers may be cleaned by bead blasting with valves seated in place. Cylinder head gaskets may be replaced only with original equipment manufacturer’s stock parts (All 3 layers of the head gasket must be used.) All other gaskets may be replaced with duplicate aftermarket parts. Light cleaning of gasket surfaces with steel wool, Scotch-Brite, etc. is allowed. Transmission gears may be shimmed only for the purpose of proper engagement. Standard on aftermarket shims may be utilized. Aftermarket cam chain tensioner allowed for safety of motor. Electronic fuel injection allowed, no aftermarket throttle bodies allowed. Must be stock throttle body. No mixing manufactures (i.e. Suzuki on Suzuki, Yamaha on Yamaha.) Fuel injection engines may run carburetors. Injected with power commander allowed gas or alcohol. NO timing modules allowed. Fuel injection engines running carbs may change all fuel metering devices to tune fuel curve, Billet intake boots allowed. Modification of oil pan & pick up allowed or aftermarket ok. Modification to thermostat cover allowed or aftermarket ok. Modification to water pump cover allowed or aftermarket ok. Any air box, stock appearing CDI, aftermarket washable replacement air filter, power commander on fuel injection models only. Any 600cc OEM CV carburetors (no flat sides allowed.) Stock ECU, FuelTech FT550, FuelTech FT450, PE3-IG2 and PE3-8400 Engine control units are permitted for use with carburetors and Stock Fuel Injection. Fuel cell securely mounted. Tank used for heats must remain for all events. NO flammable liquids allowed in cooling systems.EFFECTIVE 2023 RACE SEASON: All stock classes will be allowed to run Electronic or Mechanical Injectors with a mechanical fuel pump with stock OEM throttle bodies or carbs ONLY will be allowed. No mixing of manufacturers. No Wheel Sensors of any kind for traction control. No Sprocket or Transmission sensors for Traction Control. NO TRACTION CONTROL of any type specifically listed or not.
Outlaw Rules for 2023
- AGE: Drivers age 12 and up may compete in the Outlaw class.
- Drivers younger than 12 may compete with the Outlaw class at the discretion of the promoter or race director.
- WEIGHT: Minimum car and driver weight 750lbs. Non-Wing Minimum weight is 750lbs.
- WINGS: Outlaw Micro Sprint 4×4 max, left sideboard 26” x 54”, right sideboard 24” x 54”. Nose Wing: 4 Square Foot.
- TIRES: Any Hoosier tire is allowed. Any doping of tires is illegal and will result in the disqualification and forfeiture of all purse money.
- ENGINE: 640cc MAX displacement. No Nitrous, turbo or superchargers permitted.